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Welcome to my renovation blog (Hello world!)

My renovation toolbox has multiple saws, hand tools, paint and wallpaper samples and god knows what else. But once upon a time I picked up a circular saw and made this

Hi hi hi hi. It’s 2023 and it probably looks like I’m doing what millions of people before me have done. Create a blog. But I’m not. I’m doing what only thousands of people before me have done – create a home renovation blog.


I don’t really have any elaborate plans for this site. I like making things and I’m getting better at it. About a year and a half ago I picked up my first circular saw and I built this:

My renovation toolbox has multiple saws, hand tools, paint and wallpaper samples and god knows what else. But once upon a time I picked up a circular saw and made this

I know. I’m kind of blown away too. It took me 6 months but I didn’t sustain any major injuries, got to keep all of my fingers, and somehow ended up with a structurally sound piece of furniture that’s not terrible to look at.

Everyone’s renovation journey starts somewhere

I will say that I watched about 80 hours worth of YouTube videos and learned about 10 different ways to create cabinet boxes. And adhere them to walls. And to check for levelness. And build out spaces for built in electrical wiring. And cut and install crown molding.

At the time my husband joked that most people start woodworking by building a birdhouse or a hinged box.  But this was 2021. In New York City. The only way I was going to get a contractor to come to my home and build me a custom built in wall of cabinets was if I kidnapped them. So I learned. Because I had to.

And I kept learning. I’m still learning. But now I’m doing it because I want to.

Since I started in 2021, I’ve finished enough projects to start documenting them. And I’ve always got about 3 things I’m working on at any given time.

So tag this site (or my Insta) and follow along as I go through the renovation of my family’s 80 year old house. She’s going to look amazing on her 100th birthday.

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